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Free Reputation Check

The Man Who Named And Launched Windows.


Rowland Hanson

JW Maxx Solutions  Chairman of the Board, Rowland Hanson, is a highly acclaimed branding & business development consultant. Prior to consulting, he was Vice President of Corporate Communications at Microsoft, where he created and executed the company’s highly successful branding strategy which included the market introduction of Microsoft’s most popular product a graphical interface that he named Windows. Several books published on the history of Microsoft document the strategies he executed that led to the dominance of the Microsoft and Windows brands.

Clean Online Reputation… JW Maxx Solutions Shares Relevant Tips

Clean Online Reputation, JW Maxx Solutions  knows just how important a clean online reputation is to all kinds of people, whether a student finishing up their degree in order to enter the working world, a small business owner looking to expand their current products or sales, and yes, even offers benefits for all those who are already considered internationally successful in the business world.

Taking steps to ensure that your online reputation stays spotless and clean is essential in today’s media-focused culture. The internet plays a larger role in our lives than ever, and many potential customers do research online before purchasing a product or a service. That’s why JW Maxx Solutions knows to have a clean online reputation can be considered so essential for any kind of growth. Any negativity at all can cast a shadow of a doubt that will leave people unsettled and searching for something else.

So what can one do in order to keep my clean online reputation? Or start cleaning up one that has already been damaged by dirt online? Well, there are a couple of things that anyone can try at home to help boost their image. One of the first things an individual or company should do is create positive online content that will show up in the first pages of search results and hopefully bury the negatives.

Having a clean online reputation begins by Including your own name of your business in this content is important because these keywords are what will show up within search engines when people are curious about you or your brand. These positive pages should also contain your name in the title tag or URL as well to help get more hits as well. Taking the time to create this content (frequently, but not too often, since there is too much of a good thing) should help with the situation.

Clean online reputation is as easy as 1 2 3. JW Maxx Solutions shares all of these ideas will be helpful assets that businesses or individuals can employ in their routines in order to stay looking good and build themselves or their brand to be bigger than ever. And those who need further assistance from the professionals should never hesitate to contact one of the members of our staff.

Reputation Management

JW Maxx Solutions offers specialized campaigns tailored to fit the needs of each of our clients. Whether you are an individual who needs a social media overhaul, a small business requiring an SEO touchup or a major corporation desperate to protect its reputation against online attacks, you will have a JW Maxx Solutions account manager by your side every step of the way. Customized monthly reports allow you to see its impact and benefits.


Not only does JW Maxx Solutions come backed by brand leaders such as Rowland Hanson, but we also have our own team of experts ready to make your online dreams a reality.

Make the Internet work for you!

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